Keplr Wallet

Maximize your Cosmos experience with Keplr Wallet. Securely store, stake, and trade assets in the Cosmos ecosystem. Unleash decentralized finance potential.

To connect your Keplr wallet to your website and enable users to interact with the Cosmos blockchain or your specific decentralized application (dApp), you typically need to integrate Keplr's JavaScript library into your website. Below are the general steps you might follow:

  1. Install Keplr Extension:

    • Make sure users have the Keplr wallet extension installed in their web browser.

  2. Include Keplr JavaScript Library:

    • Add the Keplr JavaScript library to your website's code. You can usually find the library on the official Keplr GitHub repository or from the Keplr developer documentation.

    <!-- Add this script to your HTML file -->
    <script src=""></script>
  3. Initialize Keplr:

    • Initialize Keplr in your JavaScript code. This involves calling the experimentalSuggestChain method to suggest the Cosmos chain.

    // Import Keplr library
    import { enable } from '@keplr-wallet/stores';
    // Enable the Keplr wallet
  4. Request Wallet Access:

    • Request access to the user's Keplr wallet. This typically involves calling the experimentalGetOfflineSigner method.

    const offlineSigner = await window.getOfflineSigner('cosmos-hub-mainnet');
  5. Interact with Keplr Wallet:

    • Once you have access to the user's Keplr wallet, you can use it to sign transactions, send tokens, or interact with smart contracts on the Cosmos blockchain.

    // Example: Get the user's account
    const accounts = await offlineSigner.getAccounts();
    const address = accounts[0].address;
    console.log('User Address:', address);
  6. Handle Transactions:

    • Implement the necessary logic for your website to handle transactions, such as sending tokens or interacting with smart contracts. Use the Keplr wallet to sign these transactions.

    // Example: Send tokens
    const result = await offlineSigner.sendTokens(
      [{ denom: 'uatom', amount: '1000' }],
      'Send from my website'
  7. Error Handling:

    • Implement proper error handling to manage scenarios where the user denies access or if there are issues with the wallet connection.

  8. Testing:

    • Test the integration thoroughly on different browsers to ensure compatibility.

Last updated